Tillamook Coast

Tillamook Coast Volunteer Adventures Kicks Off 2024 Season

Cub Scout Pack 122 cleans up the beach

Tillamook Coast Visitors Association (TCVA) kicked off their 2024 Volunteer Adventures program with by hosting two groups in mid June: a half-day program with Tillamook County Girl Scout Troop 13020 on June 17, and a two-day program with Cub Scout Pack 122 from Salem on June 21-23.

On June 17, the local Girl Scouts got the chance to interact with Lower Nehalem Community Trust (LNCT) staff during a hike up the Neahkahnie Mountain connector trail through LNCT’s Headwaters property east of Manzanita. The Scouts learned about the biodiversity of the area while hearing about the work that LNCT does to care for the trail and its other properties around North County. There was also a group discussion about ways the Scouts could be stewards in their own communities and how they could apply what they learned here to a trip they are planning to the Southwest. Finally, they gave back to the land by clipping back brush along the trail.

“We were delighted to host the Girl Scouts for discussion, land stewardship and trail maintenance on the Headwater’s property at the base of Neahkahnie Mountain,” said Emily Akdedian, LNCT’s Interim Executive Director. “It is inspiring to have local groups collaborating to cultivate environmental responsibility and nurturing a legacy of conservation for future generations. We’re grateful that TCVA is facilitating these experiences and that groups like the Girl Scouts are engaging on the land in ways that support healthy and welcoming outdoor spaces.”

On June 21-23, 8 Cub Scouts and 7 adult leaders from Pack 122 out of Salem joined Dan Haag, TCVA’s Director of Trails, Outdoor Recreation, and Accessibility for a weekend volunteer adventure that highlighted the threat posed by marine debris to Tillamook Coast beaches. The weekend kicked off with a talk on marine debris by Angela Whitlock of North Coast Land Conservancy. Afterwards, the group took to the beach in Manzanita for a beach cleanup, gathering nearly a dozen bags of trash and microplastics. They finished their day with a scavenger hunt hosted by the Manzanita Visitors Center.


Day two was all about “upcycling” as the group visited Heart of Cartm in Wheeler and learned how to repurpose and reuse items that often end up in the landfill. Heart of Cartm’s director, Jessi Just, led the Cub Scouts in creating trophies out of trash and recycled items. The trophies will be given to the winners of several categories at Manzanita’s upcoming 4th of July celebration.

“We wanted both groups to get a good idea of what being a steward means,” said Dan Haag, TCVA’s Director of Trails, Outdoor Recreation, and Accessibility. “We’re proud of this program because it creates a bond between participants and the land. We want people to care about and invest in the places they visit and live.”

Learn more about TCVA’s Volunteer Adventures program by visiting their website or emailing dan@tillamookcoast.com.

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