Tillamook Coast Life Blog
Art Accelerated: Blink, you miss it
Here’s one you might have missed.
A few weeks ago, Georgia O’Keefe showed up at a local brewery with a signature painting, a vase of flowers and a whole bunch of art supplies. She planned to inspire and instruct a group of people who had come to paint while enjoying microbrew.

The results were stunning and the people had a blast. Did you miss it? Easy to miss if you blinked!
This is how the creators behind Tillamook Art Accelerated think.
“We offer inspiring happenings in unpredictable places and unforgettable art experiences,” said board member Neal Lemery, a retired local judge turned “creative.”
“Our timing is good—people are thirsty for the arts in Tillamook. Everything we’re offering is a hit: sketch crawls, en plein air painting sessions, art classes for all ages, open mic nights, a book fair with local authors, and now we’ve opened a gallery and started a monthly art walk.”

Next up? One of Art Accelerated’s founders, Dennis Worrel has his sites set on doing something memorable on the scenic Wilson River Highway which will celebrate its 100th anniversary this coming October.
Along with a host of partners, including the Forest Center on Highway 6, ODOT, and the Pioneer Museum to name a few, Art Accelerated plans to produce a series of creative events called “Celebrate Route 6.”
Sounds intriguing doesn’t it? Stay tuned for details, and don’t blink or you’ll miss it!