Horine family brings back “auto camps” Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Horine family brings back “auto camps”

Travelers passing through Beaver might find themselves puzzled over the nature of the newest establishment here: Becker’s Cabins Auto Camp. But, those of a certain age, will know exactly what it is.

“Back in the old days when people didn’t camp in tents anymore, the auto camps were little cabins and there was always a place to park your Model T,” said Owner Julie Horine. “There are not many that exist anymore, but a lot of the older people know what auto camps were. They know when they see the sign, they go ‘Oh my gosh, it’s like when we were kids and we would go camping with our families and stay at the old resort.’”

Beckers Cabins
Becker’s Cabins Auto Camp sign in Beaver.

Julie owns the lodging with her husband Larry and daughter Jenny.

It’s believed that the original owner, Ben Becker, built the cabins in the 1940s as rentals to raise money to send his children to Christian college.

The Horines bought Becker’s home in 2008 and the cabins a few years later. Of the four cabins, two are rentals, a third is an antique store and the fourth, Jenny and her family call home.

Horines family
The Horines family.

The rentals feature vintage decor, including iron beds and bent willow furniture, and full kitchens.

“They are fabulous,” said Jenny. “We have a customer staying here right now who says this place is just magical. They love the cabin so much; they will definitely be back.”

Becker's Cabin interior
Cabin interior.

People often discover the rental cabins when they stop by the antique shop, where Larry specializes in “petroliana,” a new word for old gas station collectibles.

“We buy a lot of history from the area,” Jenny said. “We’ve got the old visible gas tanks out front. We have vintage cars and vintage trailers. It’s all about the history here. If you want to step back in time this is where you want to be.”

For more information or to make a reservation, call 503-516-4578.

A Picture of Lori Tobias
Lori Tobias
Lori Tobias is a journalist of more than 25 years, most recently as a staff writer for The Oregonian for which she covered the Oregon Coast for a decade. She currently writes a regular column for Oregon Coast Today and freelances for numerous other local, state and national publications. Her novel "Wander" is due out from Red Hen Press in 2016.

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