Neskowin Farmers Market Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Neskowin Farmers Market

Sandra’s pies fly like hotcakes at the Neskowin Farmers Market. This week a dozen fresh baked pies from Farmer Creek Marketplace sold out in the first 15 minutes. Sandra’s husband, Waylon Porter, also has his fresh dory-caught fish for sale: Lingcod, Rockfish and more, which they are also serving up into hot fish tacos.

At the bountiful produce display from Corvus Landing Farm, the cauliflower catches my eye, as it overflows its’ basket like a billowing white cloud. I pick a couple heads of cauliflower to take home and a curious customer next to me remarks on that being a rather large quantity. Farmer, Carolina Lees, and I share our enthusiasm for this sweet, flavorful vegetable, though we also agree that it is quite different than what is commonly found at most grocery stores.

Cherry tomatoes, matchsticks of yellow summer squash, and feathery green fennel make a festive salad at the Food Demo table this week. All of the ingredients, aside from the dressing, were gathered from the vendors at market that morning, and artfully prepared by Nancy Nagle, a retired Portland caterer. Nancy’s demonstrations are at 10am and noon at most markets throughout the season.

If you do happen to miss the Neskowin Farmers Market hours, both Farmer Creek Marketplace and Corvus Landing Farm have self-service farmstands that you can stop at. If you’ll be in the area for a while both farms also have very popular CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) of weekly offerings.

Neskowin Farmers Market is held Saturdays from 9am-1pm from late May through September. This market is easy to drop in on since it’s just off of Highway 101 at the Oregon State Park Neskowin Beach Wayside.

Photo courtesy of Nancy Hadley
Photo courtesy of Nancy Hadley

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