Trash for Coffee Program in Pacific City Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Trash for Coffee Program in Pacific City

If you love Tillamook Coast beaches and want to help keep them clean during the busy summer season, you’re in luck!
Tillamook Coast Visitors Association is joining forces with Stimulus Coffee + Bakery in Pacific City to offer the new Trash for Coffee program.
It’s simple! Starting July 1st and running through September 15, drop by Stimulus on your way to the beach and ask for a trash bag. While you’re enjoying the surf and sand, take the time to pick up any trash you see along the way. Afterwards, drop your trash back at Stimulus and receive a coupon for a free small regular coffee as a thank you for your efforts!
It takes a village to be stewards of our public beaches, and by lending a hand to pick up trash you become part of that community.
For more information, contact Dan Haag at

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