Travel with Locals: Introduction Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Travel with Locals: Introduction

What’s there to do in Tillamook County? Well as Derrick Josi, a long-time local and fourth generation dairy farmer puts it, this region truly “has it all” with so much to explore and something for everyone to enjoy.

burger stack pickleEach week this series will highlight a Tillamook county resident as they share their top five places to visit, eat, shop, and more, so you can really feel like you’re traveling with a local. Stay tuned as we share more of Derrick Josi’s and other Tillamook local’s favorite spots!


A Picture of Derrick Josi
Derrick Josi
Derrick Josi is steadfast in his quest to share farming through the community he’s established online behind the handle TDF Honest Farming. Born into a lineage of dairy farmers in the Pacific Northwest, he farms the same land as his great grandfather, Alfred, who came to the United States from Switzerland as an indentured servant in 1912. The farm, which began as a 60 acre lease in 1918, is now flourishing with an all-Jersey dairy herd, which produces nearly 35,000 pounds, or 3,000 gallons, of milk per day. Today, the 450 acre farm includes a double-12 herringbone parlor, a free stall barn, grows 500 acres of corn and grass silage, and includes open pasture for grazing.

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