Storytime at Pacific City Library
Storytime at the South Tillamook County Library in Pacific City! David hosts Storytime on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 3:30pm. These events are open to all ages! We’ll […]
Co-Ed Boxing Classes at the Kiawanda Community Center in Pacific City, OR
Kiawanda Community Center 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr, Pacific City, OR, United StatesPacific City Boxing offers boxing skills and cardio-strength training for ages 12 and older. The focus will be on the fundamentals of boxing. Participants will learn everything from boxing basics […]
Boxing Class in Pacific City
Kiawanda Community Center 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr, Pacific City, OR, United StatesPacific City Boxing offers boxing skills and cardio-strength training for ages 12 and older. The focus will be on the fundamentals of boxing. Participants will learn everything from boxing basics of wrapping hands to mit work. […]
Elks Lodge 1907 3rd St, Tillamook, OR, United StatesSquare Dance Lessons every Wednesday at 6pm. Learn modern Square Dancing with the Wave Steppers of Tillamook Bay. Children 9 and older welcome with an adult. For more information, call […]
Mommy & Me at the KCC
Fiddlesticks Toys hosts a monthly meet up for families with young children to socialize, play together and find support.
Fit and Fabulous at the KCC
Kiawanda Community Center 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr, Pacific City, OR, United StatesCome join this group keeping active two days a week. Only $15 for the month!
STEAM Coach Training
USCG Historic Boathouse 1209 Bay Lane, GaribaldiSTEAM Coach Volunteer Training: February 13th You don’t have to be an expert, just someone who is passionate about helping students learn. Spring field trip season will be here […]
STEAM Coach Volunteer Training
You don’t have to be an expert, just someone who is passionate about helping students learn. Spring field trip season will be here soon, and the Tillamook County STEAM Partnership […]
Family Storytime at Bay City Library
Bring the whole family down to the Bay City Library for a fun storytime and activity every Thursday at 10am!
Family Storytime at Bay City Library
Bring the whole family down to the Bay City Library for a fun storytime and activity every Thursday at 10am!