First Christian Church Vacation Bible School
Tillamook First Christian Church 2203 4th StreetWe are going to have so much fun learning how to be “Strong in the Lord” together! Creative crafts, in depth teachings, lots of new friends, and a chance to […]
Neskowin Valley School Summer Day Camp
Neskowin Valley School 10005 Slab Creek Rd. Neskowin, OR 97149Join us for imaginative, exploratory, and educational experiences all summer long! Camps run from Monday-Thursday June 26-August 3, 2023 9:00am – 3:00pm June 26-29: Week 1: Animal Planet July 3-6: Week 2: Garden Camp July 10-13: Week 3: Imagination Station July 17-20: Week 4: Under The Sea July 24-27: Week 5: Garden Camp July 31-August 3: Week 6: Around The World August […]
Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Avenue in Manzanita Laneda Avenue 594, ManzanitaClay open studio. Ages 12 and up. $2 per hour. Clay $1 for a two-pound block, includes tools and firing. For information contact 503-368-7985,,
Nestucca High School in downtown Cloverdale CloverdaleBring drawing materials. The group takes turns posing for each other. $2 donation to cover room rental. Contact Marilyn Burkhardt, 503-392-3333,