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Find the Eye
Tillamook CountyTillamook Vision Center is sponsoring a public treasure hunt, Find the Eye. We have hidden a glass eye sculpture somewhere out on the North Oregon Coast. The prize for finding […]
Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Avenue in Manzanita Laneda Avenue 594, ManzanitaClay open studio. Ages 12 and up. $2 per hour. Clay $1 for a two-pound block, includes tools and firing. For information contact 503-368-7985, longboardmenow@nehalemtel.net, www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org
Grief Support Group
Adventist Health Tillamook – Conference Room D 1000 Third Street, TillamookGrief is a normal response to a loss during or after a traumatic event which can happen to a loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily […]
Nestucca High School in downtown Cloverdale CloverdaleBring drawing materials. The group takes turns posing for each other. $2 donation to cover room rental. Contact Marilyn Burkhardt, 503-392-3333, artist@marilynburkhardt.com.