Opportunities & Challenges - Tillamook Coast Skip to content

Opportunities & Challenges


Tillamook Coast wayfinding badge

Looking Ahead

The development of a wayfinding plan always presents opportunities and challenges. The success of implementing the plan will rest with optimizing the opportunities and mitigating the challenges.


  • Improves wayfinding and access
    A wayfinding plan highlights issues in the county for both residents and visitors. The plan provides priorities and solutions to address these issues. A new system of wayfinding tools will also build community pride and ownership and illustrate the value the tourism program brings to the county.
  • Enhances the visitor experience
    Two consistent key elements for a memorable visitor experience are clean restrooms and the ability to find your way. Reducing the likelihood of getting lost during a visit to the Tillamook Coast will ensure a better experience for visitors with reduced frustration and greater satisfaction.
  • Builds relationships between the tourism program and the county’s cities and villages to improve the long-term visitor experience
    Developing a wayfinding program is an opportunity for cities, villages and community groups to work with the tourism program on a common goal. These kinds of projects build trust and confidence in solving community issues.
Tillamook County Roads


  • Coordination with multiple jurisdictions
    The Tourism Program is dependent on cooperation and coordination between the different government jurisdictions in the county (city, county and state) with different priorities. The Tourism Program has no power to develop or enforce any signage regulations and must rely on cooperation and collaboration with these jurisdictions.
  • Aligning different priorities of area public transportation agencies
    Tillamook County Department of Public Works (responsible for the county road system) and Oregon Department of Transportation (responsible for the state and U.S. highways in the county) have different priorities and responsibilities and whose priorities may not mesh with the interests and needs of the Tourism Program
  • Need for coordination with existing standards, logos and looks
    The cities or villages in the county have different sign and graphic standards will need to be considered when developing a wayfinding plan. The plan will need to consider these standards.

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