Best Chinook Salmon Fishing in Tillamook Bay, Oregon Coast Skip to content

Chinook Salmon in the Fall

The Tillamook county Fall Chinook Salmon aka king salmon fishing season begins in mid-September and lasts well into mid-November. About the time the fish stop running at Buoy 10 in Astoria, it is time to head to Tillamook County where the big fish are biting, and running in record numbers.

Hire a qualified Tillamook Coast guide

The Tillamook county Fall Chinook Salmon aka king salmon fishing season begins in mid-September and lasts well into mid-November. About the time the fish stop running at Buoy 10 in Astoria, it is time to head to Tillamook County where the big fish are biting, and running in record numbers.

Fall Chinook Salmon (Kings) can measure up to the 50lb mark

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife indicate that runs on the North Coast have surpassed those in other Oregon basins in recent years. Fall Chinook Salmon (Kings) can measure up to the 50lb mark, with most coming in at 30lbs or better.

Tillamook Bay is fed by five tributaries

The Wilson, Trask, Kilchis, Tillamook, and Miami Rivers feed into Tillamook Bay. There are two main tactics for catching one of these trophy fish. Spinner fishing is very popular from the upper bay of Bay City up to the Tillamook River. Herring works great from Bay City to the Pacific Ocean. The Fall Chinook are also running in in the Wilson River, Trask River, Nestucca River, and the Nehalem River.

Tillamook Bay: Second largest bay on the Oregon Coast

Tillamook is known for its outstanding runs of salmon as well as its trophy Chinook Salmon known as “Hogs” or “Kings”. Tillamook Bay is also the second largest bay on the Oregon coast and it has a lot of different locations to fish.

The most popular rivers

The Trask and Tillamook Rivers have the most access and are by far the most popular. Boat fishers troll spinners, or anchor fish with bait wrapped plugs. They can also cast slip bobber rigs baited with shrimp and salmon eggs. Many bank anglers can also be seen casting bobber and eggs to catch the big Chinook Salmon.

If you want to hire a qualified Tillamook Coast guide and charter boat you can find a list here.

Tillamook Oregon Fall Chinook


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