Best Jerky in the United States at Tillamook Country Smoker, Oregon Skip to content

Tillamook Country Smoker

Some of the best tasting, sought-after jerky in the entire United States originated right here on the Tillamook Coast. Its lengthy history dates back to the days of the pioneers as they crossed the Oregon Trail to reach the Pacific Ocean. As winter started knuckling down around them, the Native Americans taught them how to dry and cure meat into beef jerky to preserve it for the winter.

8335 N Hwy 101
Bay City, OR 97107

Founded on the survival instinct of ancestors

As an expression of this pioneer spirit, Tillamook Country Smoker was formed more than 50 years ago, founded on this survival instinct of its ancestors. It all began when co-founder, Art Crossley started selling his unique jerky derived from a special recipe at his meat market in Bay City. A couple of dairy farmers, Crawford Smith and Helen Gienger, convinced Crowsly to go big or go home.

Third-generation family-run business

The three joined together in a business concept they called Tillamook Country Smoker. Together they would smoke and cut the now-famous beef sticks and drive all over the coast selling them. While it took several years for the juicy, tender jerky to take off, it is now a third-generation family-run business continuing the art of making natural, wood-smoked jerky.

Shipped around the world on a daily basis

Thousands of pounds are shipped around the world on a daily basis, but you can get yours right here in Bay City at the renowned outlet store, which is home to the classic “two-footer.” While they’ve added new flavors and styles through the years, nothing beats the taste and texture of that original beef jerky recipe.

Get yours today at the Tillamook Country Smoker, and don’t forget some for the trip home!

Tillamook Country Smoker


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