Garibaldi Harbor Combines Work an Play for a Vibrant Atmosphere Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Garibaldi harbor combines recreation with working port for a vibrant atmosphere

Few towns on the Oregon coast offer as many marine-related businesses in one location as Garibaldi.

Owned and maintained by the Port of Garibaldi, the harbor and adjacent land are home to three restaurants; two fresh seafood outlets; boat-to-table seafood enterprise; three seafood processing companies; five fishing charter services; a boat, crabbing and fishing gear rental business; two marine repair businesses; a car and boat wash; the U.S. Coast Guard Station Tillamook Bay; Tillamook Estuaries Partnership headquarters; historic Pier’s End Boathouse, a motel; RV park; and hardwoods sawmill.

Pirate Fisherman's Korner
A pirate mannequin hangs by a rope outside Fisherman’s Korner restaurant. (Photo by LeeAnn Neal)

During the fall, spring and summer, the harbor bustles with sports and commercial fishermen, all tending to their respective catches. Garibaldi Marina is ground zero, located next to the Port’s public boat ramp and directly on the water. It’s there that people tell tales of their adventures on the bay and ocean while marina staff and owners fillet their fish and cook their Dungeness crabs.

The Port’s harbor offers moorage for 277 boats of various sizes. Those who take a walk along the slips will see everything from commercial and charter fishing vessels to sports fishing boats, pontoons and a sailboat or two.

Boats Garibaldi harbor
Boats in slips in the Garibaldi harbor. (Photo by LeeAnn Neal)

Visitors to the harbor can watch commercial boat crews unloading their hauls and putting them on ice in large totes along the docks, as well as watch kayakers paddle by, boats pull into and out of slips and seabirds circle overhead.

If you want to see the harbor functioning in high gear, visit during the annual Bounty on the Bay or Oregon Tuna Classic fishing tournaments, or during the popular annual Garibaldi Days event.

A Picture of LeeAnn Neal
LeeAnn Neal
LeeAnn Neal’s great-great-great grandfather Elbridge Trask and great-great grandfather Warren Vaughn were among the Tillamook County pioneers who built the Morning Star ship and who are featured in the Don Berry cult historical fiction novels “Trask” and “To Build a Ship.” LeeAnn was a journalist on the north Oregon coast for nearly 20 years, as well as a freelance writer and blogger for a wide range of publications throughout the country. She was the owner and editor of the Tillamook County Pioneer, a popular online newspaper. Sadly, LeeAnn’s life ended too soon. She is missed greatly in this community, but she left us with wonderful stories.

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