Organic chicken, lamb and vegetables grown in Tillamook Skip to content

Tillamook Coast Life Blog

Organic chicken, lamb and vegetables grown in Tillamook

Amy Malta started farming when her kids had grown and she was looking for a change. Her brother Stephen Burrill suggested she start raising sheep on his property just south of Tillamook.

Amy was new to farming at that point. “I had raised horses,” she said. “I mean, I raised a chia pet at one time.”

So, she took a Master Gardener course in Tillamook and got going.

Certified Organic since 2013, Pitch & Plow Farms offers all organic pasture raised chicken and lamb, free range eggs, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

In the pastures behind the barn, the sheep, with their distinctive black heads and white bodies graze peaceful.

Spring lambs Pitch & Plow Farms
Spring lambs and their mamas’ come running across the pasture at Pitch & Plow Farms. Photo credit: Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography

The ram’s names are Redmond, and Gus. Amy said Gus is her favorite, though a minute later she mentioned he’s pretty aggressive. When I ask why Gus is her favorite Amy laughed and said, “I guess I like the bad boys.”

Amy said farming is the hardest job she’s ever had, but also the most satisfying.

The grass-fed Dorper lamb from Pitch & Plow is available for purchase by the whole or half at the farm, and sells fast.

Pitch & Plow Farms
Pick up organic plant starts, seasonal veggies and eggs at the self-serv farmstand at Pitch & Plow Farms just south of Tillamook. Photo by: Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography

Find Pitch & Plow’s organic veggies, plant starts and eggs daily at their self-serve farmstand located at 8310 South Prairie Rd in Tillamook, and Saturdays at the Tillamook Farmers Market.

To order lamb or chicken contact, Amy at 310-266-1747 or email For more information visit their Facebook page, or website at


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