Quilt Trail in Garibaldi - Tillamook Coast Skip to content

Quilt Trail in Garibaldi


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quilt block Far West 2

Garibaldi Maritime Museum – Quilt Trail

Quilt Block: Far West 2

112 Garibaldi Avenue
Garibaldi, OR, 97118 (map it)


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Nestled between the base of Captain Robert Gray Mountain and Tillamook Bay, the Museum is dedicated to preserving the maritime heritage of the Pacific Northwest by collecting information concerning Captain Gray and his historic vessels, the Lady Washington and the Columbia Rediviva. Displayed are models of the ships, an eight-foot tall reproduction of the Columbia’s figure head, a half model of the Columbia showing how the ship was provisioned for long voyage, as well as reproductions of clothing of seafarers and musical instruments. The Museum, founded in 1986 by Col. Charles M. Parkin, Jr., opened July 1, 2004. Col. Parker served in the Army Corps of Engineers and co-authored an account of Captain Gray’s voyage, “Capt. Gray in the Pacific NW.”

quilt block Crab Races Original TCQT design

Old Mill Marina

Quilt Block: Crab Races - Original TCQT design

227 Garibaldi Avenue
Garibaldi, OR, 97118 (map it)


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The Old Mill property was once home to a succession of lumber mills, the first opening in 1918, and the last closing in 1974. The still standing Smoke Stack is the last remnant of those by gone days. The property was purchased in the late 1970s and a RV park and main lodge were built. It is home to the annual Crab Races (March), a Garibaldi tradition since 1984.

quilt block Garibaldi Crab

Port of Garibaldi

Quilt Block: Garibaldi Crab

402 S 7th Street
Garibaldi, OR, 97118 (map it)


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In times past, the Port of Garibaldi was a link to the outside world. Today it is a powerful component of the local economy, providing hundreds of jobs and serving as a key fishing and boating hub for tens of thousands of commercial fishermen, sportsmen and tourists every year. Formed in 1910, the district totals 346 square miles and encompasses the cities of Bay City, Garibaldi and Rockaway Beach stretching from the coast to the eastern boundary of Tillamook County. It is home to nearly 20 water-dependent businesses, four charter companies, 55 commercial fishing boats and the U.S. Coast Guard station. The 277-slip marina is the largest between Newport and Warrenton. Eighty-five percent of the state’s clam harvest is landed in Garibaldi.

quilt block Sunny Lanes Nancy Page

Swift Stitches

Quilt Block: Sunny Lanes - Nancy Page

102 11th Street
Garibaldi, OR, 97118 (map it)

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Following 21 years in Alaska, Kym opened Swift Stitches in Garibaldi in 2016. This fabric studio offers both fabric and patterns. Stop in, say hi, and swap quilting stories. On Facebook @Swiftstitches


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