Tourism Event Sponsorships - Tillamook Coast Skip to content

Tourism Event Sponsorships

Off-Season Tourism Event Sponsorships

Tillamook Coast Visitors Association dedicates funding each year to sponsor off-season tourism events that attract visitors from outside Tillamook County. Applicants can apply for up to $1,000 for an event; off-season events are preferred.

Applicants must agree to the following sponsorship terms:

  1. Use the sponsorship funding to market and promote activities, such as events, and to attract visitors for overnight stays. Tourism promotion activities paid for with lodging tax must, by Oregon law, focus on visitors who travel at least 50 miles for business or leisure. Local promotion does not qualify for sponsorships.
  2. Include the Visit Tillamook Coast logo in marketing and advertising materials (digital, print, online, social media and broadcast). Provide proof of logo use to us prior to printing or publishing materials.
  3. Use the hashtag #tillamookcoast on social media
  4. Mention Visit Tillamook Coast as a sponsor in announcements at events.
  5. Provide aggregate visitor data to Visit Tillamook Coast after events, including where visitor is from, and if possible, through a survey or other data gathering tools, how many nights the visitor stayed in Tillamook County. This data will be used in reporting effectiveness of marketing programs when presenting to the tourism board, county commissioners and other groups.
  6. To apply, download and complete the application below, and email to:
  7. Sign a sponsorship contract, which will be sent to you after sponsorship approval.
  8. Please note: It is important to follow the above requests in order for TCVA to continue with sponsorship support – we have to follow Oregon law, too.

Download the Application

Tourism Grants

Questions? Email Executive Director, Nan Devlin, at



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